Advancing the training of graduate and undergraduate students is a major goal of the project. Both Ph.D. students and undergraduates are directly involved in the field research each summer at the Lake Hövsgöl ILTER site. The site is very remote, requiring 2-3 days travel from Ulaanbaatar, and does not have running water or electricity. Housing is in gers - traditional Mongolian structures, which are warm and weatherproof. Due to site limitations, students must be in good health and adaptable. See our past and present student participants.
Applications for the 2012 field season are CLOSED. We are no longer recruiting undergraduate participants for the PIRE Mongolia project.
Please direct inquiries to Daniel Brickley, brickley AT
Graduate Students
The Ecology and Evolution graduate group in the Department of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania is no longer recruiting graduate students under the auspices of PIRE Mongolia.
For further information about the graduate program at Penn, please visit the Department of Biology graduate website.